Lung CapacityWith the continuing health crisis that the world is currently facing, it is more important than ever to keep your lungs healthy.  Lung health is extremely important and breathing is a vital function. Practicing good lung health can help prevent disease and increase your overall wellness. Here are 5 ways to keep your lungs healthy, from Pulmonary Associates of Richmond.

1. Drink Plenty Of Water

Getting enough water is important for the lungs, as well as the rest of the body. The lungs are made up a mucous lining and drinking water can help to thin this lining. An excess of mucus can make you more vulnerable to infection and sticky mucus can make breathing difficult. You can also inhale water vapor to drain the lungs of mucus.

2.  Exercise

Just like other parts of your body, the lungs can also benefit from exercising. Aerobic activities such as jogging or jump roping give your lung the workout they need to function effectively. Talk with your doctors to create an exercise that’s right for you.

3. Avoid Exposure To Pollutants

Give your lungs a break by reducing your exposure to pollutants as much as possible. Avoiding things like cigarette smoke and heavy traffic exhaust can keep your lungs healthy. Open a window in your home to help with ventilation and be sure to clean often to eliminate dust, mold, and pet dander which could also be irritants.

4. Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing helps clear the lungs, most people take shallow breaths which only uses a portion of their lungs. Breathing deeply can also help increase your vital capacity. Doing deep breathing for just a few minutes is beneficial to overall lung function.

5. Get Regular Check-Ups

It’s important to get regular checkups to make sure your lungs are functioning properly. If you’re experiencing shortness of breath or coughing you should make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

Pulmonary Associates of Richmond offers comprehensive pulmonary and critical care to patients in all stages of lung health. If you need pulmonary care, contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our board certified pulmonary experts.